Contact Us

Morrissey, Hawkins & Lynch
One International Place, Suite #3220
Boston, MA 02110
617 345 4500 - tel
617 345 0286 - fax
Morrissey, Hawkins & Lynch
Flagler Business Center
777 S. Flagler Drive
8th Floor, West Tower
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
561-515-6192 – tel
561-515-6001 – fax


From the North:
Take 93 South to Exit 24A, Government Center. Take a left at the end of the ramp. Go through six (6) sets of lights. International Place, consisting of two cylindrical towers, is the property on your right. The International Place garage entrance is on the right.

From the South:
Take 93 North to Exit 23, Government Center. Follow Government Center/Aquarium sign (left lane). Take left onto Surface road. Go through seven (7) sets of lights. International Place, consisting of two cylindrical towers, is the property on your right. The International Place garage entrance is on the right.

From Logan Airport:
Use Exit 24 & 25 to 93 North. Take 93 North to Exit 23, Government Center. Follow Government Center/Aquarium sign (left lane). Take left onto Surface road. Go through seven (7) sets of lights. International Place, consisting of two cylindrical towers, is the property on your right. The International Place garage entrance is on the right.

From West:
Take 93 North exit. Follow 93 North to Exit 23, Government Center. Follow Government Center/Aquarium sign (left lane). Take left onto Surface Road. Go through seven (7) sets of lights. International Place, consisting of two cylindrical towers, is the property on your right. The International Place garage entrance is on the right.

To the International Place Garage (From any Direction):
Once on Surface Rd. continue straight for several blocks until you see a sign for the International Place Garage (International Place Garage is on Surface Rd., 100 feet past High St.).

MBTA Red Line & Amtrak Commuter Rail: From South Station:
Exit the front entrance of South Station. Cross over Surface Rd. and walk one block up to High St. Turn right on High St. and walk four blocks to Oliver St. The entrance to International Place is on the corner of High and Oliver.

MBTA Green Line: From the Park Street Stop:
Exit Park Street and cross over Tremont St. to Winter St. Walk down Winter St. one block until you come to Washington St. Take a left on Washington then your first right onto Franklin St. Walk seven blocks on Franklin until Oliver St. Turn right on Oliver and walk one block to High St. The entrance to International Place is on the corner of High and Oliver.

Water Shuttle :
Visitors taking the Water Shuttle from Logan Airport to Rowes Wharf should cross Atlantic Avenue and the Surface Road from Rowes Wharf to High Street. International Place is the first building on the left side of High Street.